This survey will be closing on August 30th, 2024.
Until then all the data that is collected will be utilized in the study to help better understand factors related to burnout!
A huge thank you to all the wonderful missionaries who chose to take the time to complete the survey along with the help of each individual who works for or with missionaries and helped to pass along the information related to this study.
Thank you!
We need your help!
What if we could prevent burnout before missionaries are at the brink? Are you willing to complete a survey to help us better understand factors that could help prevent burnout in missionaries?
Are you a missionary who has served abroad for at least 1 year or longer?
If you are not currently abroad was your time abroad within the past 3 years?
Are you a U.S. Citizen?
Are you 18 years or older?
If you are willing to complete this 15 minute survey you can help us better understand burnout in missionaries, and work towards improving missionary care in the future! Anyone who meets these criteria is welcome to complete the survey!
Thank you for your consideration and support!
This study is being completed as part of a dissertation project through Regent University. The aim of this study is to identify if the key factors of emotional intelligence, resilience and leadership might help predict burnout in missionaries. The results of this study will help to better understand if there is a relationship between these factors with the hope of improving missionary training and care for the future.
Meet the Researcher
Tasha Mitchell is a doctoral candidate in the Counselor Education and Supervision Program at Regent University. She works as a professional counselor in private practice in Lexington, Kentucky, and trains clinical interns as a supervisor at the Van Tatenhove Center for Counseling at Asbury Theological Seminary. She has also worked as adjunct faculty at Montreat College. She spent nine years serving in ministry and has worked with missionaries as a lay counselor and licensed professional. She is passionate about seeing individuals pursue their God given purpose while remaining healthy in whatever the Lord has called them too.
Tasha Mitchell, MA, LPCC-S
Research Invitation
You are invited to read this letter to better understand what the researcher is asking of participants, and share it with anyone who might be interested! Thanks for your time and willingness to consider participation!
My name is Tasha Mitchell, and I am a doctoral candidate working on my Ph.D. in Counselor Education and Supervision at Regent University. I am working on completing my dissertation research on burnout in missionaries entitled “Predicting Missionary Burnout through Emotional Intelligence, Resilience, and Leadership”.
There is a lack of overall research with missionaries and understanding ways that might reduce burnout and improve missionary care. The purpose of this study is to look at factors that might predict burnout in missionaries. The goal is to understand if there is a predictive relationship between burnout and the key factors of emotional intelligence, resilience, and leadership with the hope of improving missionary training and care.
If you are a missionary who is a U.S. citizen who has served abroad for at least a year and are willing to voluntarily participate in a 15-minute anonymous online survey, your participation would be greatly appreciated and help further our understanding of burnout in missionaries. Your voluntary participation is anonymous and confidential and is revocable at any time. You can feel free to share this link below with any missionaries you know who might consider participating.
We are so grateful for your participation and consideration in completing this study. To complete the survey or read more about the study you can find it here at:
Thank you for your time!
Tasha Mitchell, Phd. Candidate
Regent University, School of Psychology and Counseling
Faculty Sponsor, Dr. Cyrus Williams
We need your help!
Are you willing to complete a survey to help us better understand factors that could help prevent burnout in missionaries?
Are you a missionary who has served abroad for at least 1 year or longer?
If you are not currently abroad was your time abroad within the past 3 years?
Are you a U.S. Citizen?
Are you 18 years or older?
If you are willing to complete this 15 minute survey you can help us better understand burnout in missionaries, and work towards improving missionary care in the future! Anyone who meets these criteria is welcome to complete the survey!
Thank you for your consideration and support!
Yes, the survey is for anyone who meets the criteria, the more it is shared the better! Thank you for your help!
All participants are volunteers and can discontinue their participation in the survey process at any time.
All information will be anonymous and will be used without any descriptors to ensure anonymity and confidentiality.
You can email the researcher directly at